If the infected computer is connected to LAN, disconnect it and re-connect only after all other computers have been checked and cleaned.
- Download file rmdndup.exe
- Then run the tool for removal of infected files. The tool will automatically scan all available discs and will try to heal the infected files. If an active virus is found in memory, the tool will ask the user to reboot the computer. Healing will be performed during operating system boot-up sequence, so any active virus cannot interfere with the healing process.
- Update you AVG after restart and run a complete test.
Cara 1 : Dengan Patch dari Microsoft DISINI Selain dari AVG juga ada Removal Tool dari Symantec, DOWNLOAD DISINI Cara 2 : Buka Registry Editor (Start - Run - regedit) dan Edit registry berikut : ~ 'HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Ole' ubah value dari 'EnableDCOM' menjadi N (default Y) ~ 'HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NetBT\Parameters' kosongkan value 'TransportBindName' (default '\device\') ~ 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Browser\Parameters' ubah value 'IsDomainMaster ' manjadi 'FALSE' Cara 3 : Melalui Netsh : Klik Start - Run - ketik 'netsh' kemudian ENTER. Muncul jendela command prompt netsh>winsock << ketik winsock kemudian ENTER netsh winsock> << ketik 'reset' kemudian ENTER Restart Komputer!!! Rekomendasi Penulis: GUNAKAN SEMUA CARA DIATAS!!!
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